Thursday, November 5, 2015

Farolas LED Solares todo en uno VS Other Street Lights

Hitechled dedicada a proporcionar soluciones verdes de energía renovable. Nuestra nueva generación integrado inteligente luz de calle llevada solar, que integra alto lumen de la lámpara, la última batería de litio LiFePO4, alta panel solar monocristalino SunPower eficiente y el controlador inteligente con sensor de movimiento PIR LED (opcional) es 100% limpia, verde, renovable luz, se puede utilizar con frecuencia la iluminación nueva construcción rural, la iluminación residencial, iluminación de estacionamiento, iluminación de caminos, iluminación de rampa, perímetro de iluminación de seguridad, granjas y ranchos de iluminación, la iluminación del área de vida silvestre, muelle y embarcadero de iluminación, iluminación de jardín, iluminación del campus, yardas del condado de iluminación , iluminación desierto, iluminación balneario, iluminación base militar, cualquier área exterior donde hay suficiente luz solar, especialmente para aquellos lugares donde el cableado no es económico y / o alcanzable.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Farola Alumbrado Público Solar de LEDs,Luminaria Solar LED, Todo En Uno Panel 60W y Bateria 307W y Led 30w

Las farolas solares tienen grandes ventajas frente a las lámparas convencionales al no requerir canalizaciones de cables, son autoportantes e integran todos los componentes en una sola pieza. Incopora sendor PIR de movimiento para ofrecer la máxima potencia en caso de actividad y bajar la iluminación cuando no detecta movimiento, optimizando la energía acumulada para que esté garantizada la luz durante toda la noche.

La farola solar Hitechled HT-SS-6030 las siguientes ventajas:
- Ahorro de energía.
- Incorpora la tecnología LED más avanzada 
- Emisión de luz eficiente y de alta calidad ( índice de rendimiento cromático,  CRI>75).
- Ahorro en tiempo y costes de instalación.
- Ahorro en costes de mantenimiento.
- Sin necesidad de fuente de alimentación externa.
- Hace uso de la energía limpia y renovable.
- Reduce la contaminación lumínica.
- Los materiales empleados son completamente reciclables.
- Sistema completamente integrado que ofrece ventajas arquitectónicas.
- Fácil instalación.

- Durante las horas de luz el sistema capta energía solar y la almacena en sus baterías en forma de energía eléctrica.
- Al anochecer, el sistema de control automáticamente enciende el módulo LED utilizando la energía almacenada, proporcionando la luz necesaria al espacio a iluminar.
- Cuando amanece, el módulo LED se desactiva automáticamente comenzando un nuevo ciclo.
- La Farola Solar está constituida por una luminaria que contiene en su interior todos los componentes eléctricos, por lo que el poste no necesita puerta de registro y no alberga cables de cobre en su interior.

- Chip Led Bridgelux. Utiliza la tecnología LED más avanzada consiguiendo un alto rendimiento con una alta calidad de luz.
- Cuerpo de la luminaria en aleación de aluminio
- Batería de lítio con un tiempo de carga de 5-6 horas en horas de sol y descarga hasta 8 horas en máxima iluminación y hasta 20 horas con iluminación mínima.
- Sistema óptico, permite enfocar el haz de luz hacia el espacio a iluminar evitando la contaminación lumínica.
- Panel solar fotovoltáico monocristalino de máxima eficiencia, capta la radiación solar convirtiéndola en energía eléctrica limpia.
- Baterías LiFePO4  que almacena la energía captada por el panel solar durante las horas de sol para que ésta pueda ser utilizada durante los periodos nocturnos.
- Regulador de cargas de baterías con un avanzado sistema de control especialmente dise?ado para mantener en correcto estado las baterías

Farola solar con un elegante diseño en aluminio. Dotada con 30W de leds Super bright  y con 3300 lúmenes equivalen a una lámpara de 300w tradicional.Con un panel solar de 60w y una bateria de larga duración fácilmente reemplazable proporciona hasta 3 noches de luz con carga completa.Esta farola viene equipada con un sensor nocturno y de movimiento con 120deg de detección y hasta 8 metros de distancia así como sistema de auto apagado y encendido.

1 Sunpower Panel solar: 60W 22percent eficiencia, 10 a?os
2 Batería:LiFePO4  12.8V 307WH,2000 ciclos
3 LED:30W
4 Sensor crepuscular: Si
5 Materiales: Aleación de aluminio y vidrio templado
6 Calificación IP:IP65
7 Temperatura de trabajo: Entre -20deg y 60deg

Salida de luz:
1 Flujo luminoso: 3300 lúmenes, 50,000 horas
2 ángulo visual:120deg
3 Temperatura de color:2700 to 6500K
4 Umbral de luz: 30lx
5 Tiempo de carga solar: 6 - 8 horas
6 Modo de trabajo: 900 lúmenes y 3000 lúmenes durante 40 segundos cuando entra en acción el sensor de movimiento

1  Altura aconsejada de instalación: 4-6m
2  Espacio aconsejado entre las lámparas: 10-20m
3  Diámetro del mástil: 60mm-80mm

Póngase en contacto con Hitechled para más detalles.

Farola solar de 4400 lúmenes para alumbrado público , Luminaria Solar Led, Todo En Uno Panel 80W y Bateria 384W y Led 40w HT-SS-8040

La Farola Alumbrado Público Solar de LEDs ref.HT-SS-8040 está dise?ada para sustituir a las farolas de bajo consumo o incandescentes ofreciendo un nulo consumo de energía y 
larga vida útil.No hace falta instalación eléctrica ni mantenimiento,únicamente luz solar. 
Su funcionamiento es muy sencillo,la farola se carga durante el día y se enciende automáticamente ante la ausencia de luz.Cuanta con un sensor de proximidad cuya función es 
optimizar aún mas el funcionamiento de la farola.Esta funciona constantemente a una tercera parte su potencia total mientras no haya ningún objeto a su alrededor,una vez se aproxime un objeto a una distancia de 5 metros,esta funciona a un 100% de su potencial.Una vez el objeto desparece,vuelve a funcionar a una tercera parte. 
Se recomienda su intalación a unos 5-8 metros sobre el nivel del suelo y una ditancia entre farolas de 15-25 metros. 
Su amplio ángulo de apertura junto a los LEDs de útlima generación Bridgelux,hacen que la farola emita una luz amplia y pura ideal para todo tipo de vías urbanas. 
HitechLED es una marca de confianza, con a?os de experiencia en iluminación LED. Estamos orgullosos de la calidad e innovación en todos nuestros productos, que ofrecen una. 

Ventajas principales del LED: 
Gracias a la Iluminación LED, es posible reducir el consumo eléctrico hasta un 70% sin renunciar a la cantidad ni a la calidad de la luz. El rendimiento energético de una bombilla tradicional es del 10%, mientras que los diodos LED aprovechan el 80%.

El LED no contiene filamentos sujetos a roturas ni a fallos por fundido. Su degradación es gradual a lo largo de su vida. Estos pueden llegar a disfrutar de una vida de 50.000 horas, a partir de la cual, paulatinamente empieza a perder intensidad por debajo del 75%.

La luz que emite el LED, es más brillante y nítida que la del halógeno y el fluorescente. Posee un encendido inmediato y no tiene fallos, parpadeos ni variaciones de intensidad en la iluminación.

Los dispositivos LED ahorran gran cantidad de energía, no producen irradiaciones de infrarojos, no contienen mercurio y no producen contaminación lumínica. El 98% de sus componentes son reciclables e ideales para la combinación con la energía solar.

HT-SS-8040 Especificaciones:
1 Sunpower PV: 80W 22percent eficiencia
2 Batería:LiFePO4  12.8V 384WH,2000 ciclos
3 LED:40W
4 Sensor crepuscular: Si
5 Materiales: Aleación de aluminio y vidrio templado
6 Calificación IP:IP65
7 Temperatura de trabajo: Entre -20deg y 55deg

Salida de luz:
1 Flujo luminoso: 4400 lúmenes, 50,000 horas
2 ángulo visual:150deg/75deg
3 Temperatura de color:2700 to 6500K
4 Umbral de luz: 40lx
5 Tiempo de carga solar: 6 - 8 horas
6 Modo de trabajo: 1,300 lúmenes y 4,400 lúmenes durante 40 segundos cuando entra en acción el sensor de movimiento

1  Altura aconsejada de instalación: 5-8m
2  Espacio aconsejado entre las lámparas: 15-25m
3  Diámetro del mástil: 70mm-80mm

Póngase en contacto con Hitechled para más detalles.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Hitechled 30W New Generation All-in-one Integrated Solar Street Light Lighting in Thailand

Nowadays solar street light becomes popular, Hitechled Optoelectronics , as one of the pioneer who is engaged in providing green, renewable energy solutions, innovated the design of all-in-one solar LED street light. The new generation design is with professional optic lens which improve the light output effect and efficiency, and better heat-sink design and more elegant outlook.

Recently, the 30W HT-SS-6030 has been successfully installed in Thailand. Our client are quite satisfied with the effect. They said it is even better than other’s 40W.

Hitechled always put quality and service in the first stage. We choose the best Sunpower monocrystalline solar panel, wonderful matched LiFePO4 battery pack to achieve real energy-saving solutions.

Green light, green life. Hitechled is proud to be the pioneer in smart solar LED solutions. Let's do whatever we can to enable sustainable development.


 Hitechled Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Hitechled achieves success in South American installations with all-in-one integrated solar LED street light

Hitechled Optoelectronics is engaged in providing green, renewable energy solutions. Our integrated smart all-in-one solar LED street light integrates a high lumen LED lamp, the latest LiFePO4 lithium battery, a high efficiency sunpower monocrystal solar panel, and a smart controller with PIR motion sensor together. The solar LED street light produces 100% clean, green, renewable light and is applicable to new rural construction, residential, parking lot, pathway, perimeter security, farm & ranch, wildlife area, dock & pier, garden, campus, county yard, desert, seaside resort, military base, and really any exterior area lighting task wherever there is sufficient sunlight -- especially for those locations where wiring is not economical and/or achievable
The smart all-in-one solar LED street light power options include 8, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, and 60W models.

Nowadays, the 15W HT-SG-2515, 25W HT-SS-5025,30W HT-SS-6030 and 40W HT-SS-8040 are seeing great sales in South America. As the solar LED street lighting is created with a compact design, dealers and distributors can save on freight and stock costs. The fixture is plug and play with just screw mounting on poles or walls; no trenching and cabling work makes the installation job much easier and cost much lower than other lighting solutions.
The LED solar street light is based on a smart system, allowing auto shutoff at sunrise and auto-on at sundown, detecting movement as well as adjusting brightness automatically. What’s more, its power is 100% generated by the sun. With only one installation, the user can get at least 5 years of free lighting. So the user reduces the cost of lighting and helps to save the planet by using environmentally friendly lighting.

Green light, green life. Hitechled is proud to be the pioneer in smart solar LED solutions. Let's do whatever we can to enable sustainable development.


 Hitechled Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.

Web site:

Monday, April 13, 2015

Sunday, April 12, 2015

All in one Integrated Solar LED light(Luminaria Solar Integrada) Applications

Luminaria Solar TODO EN UNO
Our integrated smart solar led street light, which  integrates high lumen LED lamp,latest LiFePO4 lithium battery,high efficient sunpower microcrystal solar panel and  the smart controller with PIR motion sensor is 100% clean,green, renewable light,can be frequently parking lot , sidewalk , farm , pathway , roadway , ramp, side walk, jogging and bike path, perimeter security, farm & ranch, wildlife area, boat dock,garden , campus ,county yards, desert, seaside resort , military base lighting,any exterior area wherever there is sufficient sunlight,especially for those place where wires are not economic or practicable.

Farolas Solares Inteligentes
Throughout the day the highly efficient solar panel gathers energy from the sun and feeds it to the built-in lithium battery pack. At dusk LED solar street light automatically turns ON providing convenient high brightness illumination. They will switch back again to full power as soon as movement is detected underneath the infrared motion sensor. This smart feature allows for power saving resulting in extended run time. When fully charged, the built-in lithium battery provides backup power for up to 3 to 4 nights, which is extremely useful in case of persistent overcast weather.

Green light, green life. We are proud to be the pioneer in smart solar LED solutions. Let's do whatever we can to enable sustainable development.

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Friday, March 6, 2015

Integrated Solar LED Lights bring convenience for you

The biggest advantages of all in one/integrated solar street light are saving expensive costs of installation construction and commissioning, and transportation costs, usually only 10% of sepatated solar street lights.

All in one/integrated solar street light do with the world's advanced lithium management control technology, compared to some of the normal battery products which need to replace battery in 2 years, all in one solar street light costs can be greatly reduced in the future service and parts and usually does not require battery replacement or maintenance in 5 years.Even if it need to be replaced
after five years, due to the unique product design,under no technical support or engineers’s guidance users only need a few minutes to complete replacing.

Here's the main benefits you will have by using integrated solar LED lights.
• No line voltage, trenching, or metering
• No power outages; no cable, can be installed wherever there is sunshine
• Battery backup for cloudy or rainy days
• Distributed light and power - no single point of failure for enhanced security
• Easy to install ,no difficult technicals
• No scheduled maintenance for up to five years
• No cost of replacing concrete, asphalt or landscaping
• No cost of transformers or meters to be added for electric service
• No monthly electric bills
• Controlled charging to prolong battery service life
• Long-life PV modules with more than 25 years of power generation capacity
• Environmentally friendly - 100% powered by the sun, solar panels reduce fossil fuel consumption, eliminating pollution
• Self-contained solution - Light on/off controlled by automatic daylight sensing or hour preset, no running or maintenance cost
• Better light source - LED lights feature cool white light without flickering and higher
• Smart controller with PIR motion sensor helps to save more power--- when people enter within 10m distance, it will light in full power, people leave 10m distance for 1min,it will auto light in 30% power energy saving mode.

Hiteched have models from 8W to 60W.It is widely used in parking lot , sidewalk , farm , pathway , roadway , ramp, side walk, jogging and bike path, perimeter security, farm & ranch, wildlife area, boat dock, garden , campus ,county yards, desert, seaside resort , military base lighting,any exterior area wherever there is sufficient sunlight,etc.

Hitechled Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd.
Add.: 21st F, Bldg.B, GLC Plaza, Bao'an district, Shenzhen, China 518102( Tel: +86 755 33653232  
7 Fax: +86 755 33653211
: Http://

Monday, February 23, 2015

About LiFePO4 Battery

The lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) battery, also called LFP battery (with "LFP" standing for "lithium ferrophosphate"), is a type of rechargeable battery, specifically a lithium-ion battery, which uses LiFePO4 as a cathode material. LiFePO4 batteries have somewhat lower energy density than the more common LiCoO2 design found in consumer electronics, but offers longer lifetimes, better power density (the rate that energy can be drawn from them) and are inherently safer. LiFePO4 is finding a number of roles in vehicle use and backup power.  

LiFePO4 is a natural mineral of the olivine family. Its use as a battery electrode was first described in published literature by John Goodenough's research group at the University of Texas in 1996, as a cathode material for rechargeable lithium batteries. Because of its low cost, non-toxicity, the natural abundance of iron, its excellent thermal stability, safety characteristics, electrochemical performance, and specific capacity (170 mA.h/g, or 610 C/g) it gained some market acceptance.

Its key barrier to commercialization was intrinsically low electrical conductivity. This problem was overcome by reducing the particle size, coating theLiFePO4 particles with conductive materials such as carbon, and doping the result with cation of materials such as aluminium, niobium, and zirconium. This approach was developed by Yet-Ming Chiang and his coworkers at MIT. Products are now in mass production and are used in industrial products by major corporations including Black and Decker's DeWalt brand, the Fisker Karma, Daimler, Cessna and BAE Systems.

MIT has introduced a new coating that allows the ions to move more easily within the battery. The "Beltway Battery" utilizes a bypass system that allows the lithium-ions to enter and leave the electrodes at a speed great enough to fully charge a battery in under a minute. The scientists discovered that by coating lithium iron phosphate particles in a glassy material called lithium pyrophosphate, ions bypass the channels and move faster than in other batteries. Rechargeable batteries store and discharge energy as charged atoms (ions) form between two electrodes, the anode and cathode. Their charge and discharge rate are restricted by the speed with which these ions move. Such technology could reduce the weight and size of the batteries. A small prototype battery cell has been developed that can fully charge in 10 to 20 seconds, compared with six minutes for standard battery cells.

Advantages and disadvantages
The LiFePO4 battery uses a lithium-ion-derived chemistry and shares many advantages and disadvantages with other Lithium-ion battery chemistries. However, there are significant differences.

LFP chemistry offers a longer cycle life than other lithium-ion approaches.
Like nickel-based rechargeable batteries (and unlike other lithium ion batteries), LiFePO4 batteries have a very constant discharge voltage. Voltage stays close to 3.2V during discharge until the battery is exhausted. This allows the battery to deliver virtually full power until it is discharged. And it can greatly simplify or even eliminate the need for voltage regulation circuitry.

Because of the nominal 3.2V output, four cells can be placed in series for a nominal voltage of 12.8 V. This comes close to the nominal voltage of six-cell lead-acid batteries. And, along with the good safety characteristics of LFP batteries, this makes LFP a good potential replacement for lead-acid batteries in many applications such as automotive and solar applications, provided the charging systems are adapted not to damage the LFP cells through excessive charging voltages, temperature-based voltage compensation, equalisation attempts or continuous trickle charging. The LFP cells must be at least balanced initially before the pack is assembled and a protection system also needs to be implemented to ensure no cell can be discharged below a voltage of 2.0 V or severe damage will occur in most instances.

The use of phosphates avoids cobalt's cost and environmental concerns, particularly concerns about cobalt entering the environment through improper disposal.

LiFePO4 has higher current or peak-power ratings than LiCoO
The energy density (energy/volume) of a new LFP battery is some 14% lower than that of a new LiCoO2 battery. Also, many brands of LFPs, as well as cells within a given brand of LFP batteries, have a lower discharge rate than lead-acid or LiCoO2. Since discharge rate is a percentage of battery capacity a higher rate can be achieved by using a larger battery (more ampere-hours) if low current batteries must be used. Better yet, a high current LFP cell (which will have a higher discharge rate than a lead acid or LiCoO2 battery of the same capacity) can be used.

LiFePO4 cells experience a slower rate of capacity loss (aka greater calendar-life) than lithium-ion battery chemistries such as LiCoO2 cobalt or LiMn2O4manganese spinel lithium-ion polymer batteries or lithium-ion batteries. After one year on the shelf, a LiFePO4 cell typically has approximately the same energy density as a LiCoO2 Li-ion cell, because of LFP's slower decline of energy density. Thereafter, LiFePO4 likely has a higher energy density.

One important advantage over other lithium-ion chemistries is thermal and chemical stability, which improves battery safety. LiFePO4 is an intrinsically safer cathode material than LiCoO2 and manganese spinel. The Fe-P-O bond is stronger than the Co-O bond, so that when abused, (short-circuited, overheated, etc.) the oxygen atoms are much harder to remove. This stabilization of the redox energies also helps fast ion migration.

As lithium migrates out of the cathode in a LiCoO2 cell, the CoO2 undergoes non-linear expansion that affects the structural integrity of the cell. The fully lithiated and unlithiated states of LiFePO4 are structurally similar which means that LiFePO4 cells are more structurally stable than LiCoO2cells.

No lithium remains in the cathode of a fully charged LiFePO4 cell in a LiCoO2 cell, approximately 50% remains in the cathode. LiFePO4 is highly resilient during oxygen loss, which typically results in an exothermic reaction in other lithium cells.

As a result, lithium iron phosphate cells are much harder to ignite in the event of mishandling (especially during charge) although any fully charged battery can only dissipate overcharge energy as heat. Therefore, failure of the battery through misuse is still possible. It is commonly accepted that LiFePO4 battery does not decompose at high temperatures. The difference between LFP and the LiPo battery cells commonly used in the aeromodelling hobby is particularly notable.

•Cell voltage ◦Min. discharge voltage = 2.5V
◦Working voltage = 3.0 ~ 3.3 V
◦Max. charge voltage = 3.6V

•Volumetric energy density = 220 Wh/dm3 (790 kJ/dm3)
•Gravimetric energy density > 90 Wh/kg (> 320 J/g)
•Sony Fortelion: 71% capacity after 10000 cycles with 100% DoD
•100% DOD cycle life (number of cycles to 80% of original capacity) = 2,000~7,000
•90% DOD cycle life (number of cycles to 80% of original capacity) > 10,000
•Sony Fortelion: 71 % capacity after 10.000 cycles with 100 % DOD
•Cathode composition (weight) ◦90% C-LiFePO4, grade Phos-Dev-12
◦5% Carbon EBN-10-10 (superior graphite)
◦5% PVDF

•Cell configuration ◦Carbon-coated aluminium current collector 15
◦1.54 cm2 cathode
◦Electrolyte: Ethylene carbonate-Dimethyl carbonate (EC-DMC) 1-1 LiClO4 1M
◦Anode: Graphite or Hard Carbon with intercalated Metallic lithium

•Experimental conditions: ◦Room temperature
◦Voltage limits: 2.0~3.65 V
◦Charge: Up to C/1 rate up to 3.6 V, then constant voltage at 3.6 V until I < C/24


Higher discharge rates needed for acceleration, lower weight and longer life makes this battery type ideal for bicycles and electric cars.

This battery is used in the electric cars made by Aptera and Quicc!.

KillaCycle, the worlds fastest electric motorcycle, uses lithium iron phosphate batteries.

Roehr Motorcycle Company, uses a 5.8 kWh capacity LFP battery pack to power its supersport electric motorcycle.

LFP batteries are used by electric vehicles manufacturer Smith Electric Vehicles to power its products.

BYD, also a car manufacturer, plans to use its lithium iron phosphate batteries to power its PHEV, the F3DM and F6DM (Dual Mode), which will be the first commercial dual-mode electric car in the world. It plans to mass-produce the cars in 2009. In October 2014, BYD announced a 60-foot, 120-passenger battery-electric bus with a range of more than 170 miles that uses lithium iron phosphate batteries.

In May 2007 Lithium Technology Corp. announced a Lithium Iron Phosphate battery with cells large enough for use in hybrid cars, claiming they are "the largest cells of their kind in the world.".

Rimac Automobili have developed an advanced LFP battery system with integrated battery management and liquid cooling systems, primarily for their Concept One electric supercar which will enter production but also for commercial availability of the battery system.

ZBoardelectric skateboards use LFP batteries, offering ranges up to 20 miles.

Golfskatecaddy Golf Skate Caddy electric single person golf vehicle use LFP batteries, allowing a full 18 holes of golf.

EV-Fleet electric pickup trucks use a 50kWh LFP battery for a 100+ mile range.

Solar garden and security light systems

Single "14500" (AA sized) LFP cells are now used in some solar powered path lights instead of 1.2V NiCd/NiMH.

LFP's higher (3.2V) working voltage can allow a single cell to drive an LED without needing a step-up circuit. The increased tolerance to modest overcharging (compared to other Li cell types) means that LiFePO4 could be connected to photovoltaic cells without complex circuitry. A single LFP cell also alleviates corrosion,condensation & dirt issues notoriously associated with battery holder and cell to cell contacts - such poor connections often especially plague outdoor systems using multiple removable NiMH cells.

More sophisticated LFP solar charged passive IR security lamps are also emerging (2013). As AA sized LFP cells have a capacity of only ~600 mAh (while the lamp's bright LED may draw 60mA) only 10 hours run time may be expected. However- if triggering is only occasional -such systems may cope even under low sunlight charging conditions,as lamp electronics ensure after dark "idle" currents of under 1mA.

LiFePO4 powered solar lamps are visibly brighter than ubiquitous outdoor solar lights,and performance overall is considered more reliable.

One Laptop per Child
This type of battery technology is used on the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) project. The batteries are manufactured by Chinese company BYD.

OLPC uses LFP batteries in its XO laptops because they contain no toxic heavy metals in compliance with the European Union'sRestriction of Hazardous Substances Directive.

Other uses
Many home EV conversions use the large format versions as the car's traction pack. With the efficient power to weight ratios, high safety features and the chemistry's refusal to go into thermal runaway, there are few barriers for use by amateur home "makers".

Some electronic cigarettes use these types of batteries.
Two torch/flashlight manufacturers Mag Instruments and LED Lenser have products which utilise these batteries.

RC model cars may use these batteries, especially as RX and TX packs as a direct replacement of NiMh packs or LiPo packs without need for voltage regulator, as they provide 6.6v nominal voltage over 7.4v of LiPo packs, which is little higher and may require to be regulated down to 6.0v.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Why choose hitechled all-in-one integrated solar LED Garden/Street Light?

·         No trenching
·         No maintenance
·         No blackouts
·         No cable, can be installed wherever there is sunshine
·         No electric bills
·         Automatically turn off at sunrise and turn on at sunset
·         Smart control with PIR motion sensor: when people enter within 10m distance, it will light in full power, people leave 10m distance for 1min,it will auto light in 30% power energy saving mode.

The best solar LED light for you!

why choose Hitechled integrated solar led street light?

Friday, January 9, 2015

Hitechled launches 60W all-in-one integrated solar LED street light

Hitechled has recently launched the 60W smart integrated solar LED street light (model#:HT-SS-1H60). It integrates a 60W high lumen LED lamp, LiFePO4 lithium battery, high efficiency sunpower microcrystal solar panel, and a smart controller with PIR motion sensor. Generally, it outputs light in energy-saving mode; when the PIR motion sensor detects a moving object, it will automately light at full brightness for a certain time, then turn back to energy-saving mode. As there is no cable needed (no need to connect to municipal electronic power), it is simply installed and there is nearly no need for maintenance. Last but not least, it is 100% clean, green, renewable light, and can be used in for street, garden, country yard, parking lot,seaside resort and exterior area lighting wherever there is sufficient sunlight.

Solar lighting has become more popular in recent years as people search for more environmentally-friendly alternatives to traditional electric lighting. Instead of relying on lights powered by expensive battery packs or ones connected to the municipal power grid, homeowners and businesses can break free of their dependence on this dated form of energy by harnessing the sun’s clean and renewable energy. Unlike fossil fuels, which have a finite amount before they are depleted, solar energy will always be available.

Although there are several different types of solar lights available on the market, most of them work in a similar fashion.They feature a large panel facing the sky that’s intended to collect the sun’s energy, which is made up of numerous photovoltaic cells. These cells are typically made out of a layer of silicon and another layer of boron, phosphorus or some other conductive element. When the light hits the panel, it passes into the photovoltaic cells before reaching a semiconductor that transforms it into ready-to-use energy.
All-in-one integrated solar LED light

A general rule of thumb is that the more photovoltaic cells a solar light or device has, the more energy it’s going to produce. This is the reason why solar panels are built to be large and highly visible. Some countries even have large open fields made entirely of huge solar panels that collect and harness the sun’s energy. If you want to achieve a bright illuminating effect, you should stick with solar flood lights featuring a rather large panel of photovoltaic cells; otherwise, you run the risk of not generating enough light for your needs. The basic principle is that the sun’s UV rays hit a panel made of photovoltaic cells. From there, the energy passes into a semiconductor where it’s transformed so that it can power the bulb or any other electrical component.

Green light, green life. We are proud to be the pioneer in smart solar LED solutions. Let's do whatever we can to enable sustainable development.

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Why shall we switch to solar LED light solution?

The most obvious benefit of solar lights comes from the fact that it’s 100% clean, green and renewable; therefore, leaving behind no harmful byproducts or carbon footprint from its use. As we learn just how damaging coal-powered power plants are to the environment, making the switch to clean energy is a huge step in the right direction. It doesn’t release any harmful chemicals or gasses into the atmosphere that may pose a threat to the environment later down the road.
The cost-savings is something else that many people find an attractive feature with solar lights. Instead of hiking your monthly electric bill up every time you want to use your outdoor light, a solar-powered model will run at no cost to you, no matter how many times you use it. In fact, you can have it running each day of the month without paying a dime. Yes, outdoor solar lights generally sell for a bit more than regular lights, but the savings you’ll see on your monthly power bill will more than make up for this difference.
A lesser-known benefit associated with the use of outdoor solar lights is their mobility. Unlike traditional lights that must be ran to a nearby outlet or electrical source, you are free to use solar–powered models wherever you please. As long as the collecting panels are placed in an area that receives sunlight, your solar lights will work just fine. This type of freedom gives homeowners and business owners the ability to illuminate areas far away from electrical outlets, such as gardens, signs and parking lots just to name a few.
You might be surprised to learn that outdoor solar lights are resistant to rain, snow, wind and everything else mother nature has to throw their way. When the weather starts turning south, you can rest assured knowing your solar lights are going to hold up just fine. Just remember to keep an eye on the collector panel to ensure it doesn’t get blocked or clogged with leaves and other debris, as this will affect its ability to produce energy.
Just follow the instructions included with your model to determine how it mounts. You may need a drill and screwdriver to finish the process, but those are the only tools necessary for the job.
As you can see, there are numerous reasons why solar lighting is a better and more efficient choice than traditional lighting. Even if you’re just looking to save money, solar lights will provide you with a significantly lower power bill, which is something we could all benefit from.
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Hitechled All-in-one Integrated Solar LED Garden/Street Light